The multispectral imaging technology began to be applied in the area of preservation of cultural heritage.
The Portuguese company Signinum Inovação, through XpectralTEK, has developed a multispectral imaging technology that allows to control pests and anticipate diseases in the vineyards. This spectral imaging solution is non-destructive and can be used in different samples ranging from small plants to large cultivation areas. The use of this technology allows, in real time, to control and anticipate problems such as nutritional deficiencies, pests, diseases and water stress. This technology that allows "talking to plants" is now being tested directly with Vinho Verde producers from the Minho region of Portugal. With this solution, farmers will be able to monitor vineyard culture in real time and make informed decisions. In early 2019, the technology won a PT2020 project under the Regional Operational Program of the North, equivalent to a financing of 800 thousand euros. The FREND Platform X02 project aims to be a centralized platform for the acquisition, diagnosis, and storage of information and will be implemented through the company's spin-off XpectralTEK technology vehicle.